Do well in 'developing UK tourist destinations'

AC 2.1 - Explain factors influencing tourist decision making

Review and explain

These activities will help you to review your work and be able to explain factors which influence tourists’ decision-making.

Tourists, when deciding on where they want to visit, consider a number of different factors that will have an influence on their decision-making.

  • Financial
  • Expectations
  • Destination reputation
  • Media/marketing
  • Destination features
  • Technological developments

Activity 1

Financial factors

Explain how financial factors can influence tourists’ decision making.


Most tourists form their own expectations of a destination.

You need to think about

  • Is the destination going to be interesting enough to meet the tourists’ needs?
  • Will the destination have enough appropriate entertainment to meet the tourists’ needs?
  • Can the destination offer enough relaxation to meet the tourists’ needs?
  • Can the destination offer sufficient excitement for particular tourists?

Activity 2

Think about different tourist types.

Identify the expectations of a family travelling with two children aged 3 and 5.

Are they the same needs and expectations of a couple who are travelling without children to a chosen destination?

Explain the expectations of the couple.