Quite simply, your conclusions will be the main findings of your investigation into the quality of the customer experience at your chosen organisation.
There are some key questions to consider:
- What’s good about the customer experience at your chosen organisation?
- What’s bad about the customer experience at your chosen organisation?
- From your research, how could the customer experience be improved at your chosen organisation?
Apart from these main questions, there are other ways in which you could develop your conclusions. For example:
- Which groups of customers receive a particularly good customer experience and have their needs and expectations met?
- For which groups of customers could the overall level of experience be improved and how?
- Are there groups of customers which receive a poor quality of experience? Can you explain why?
Another way of drawing conclusions is to consider the customer experience in various aspects and departments of the organisation. These could include:
- Online information and the quality of the website
- Ticket sales
- Access, signage and car parking
- Entrance and visitor information
- Signage within the organisation
- Quality of rides and other facilities
- Quality of refreshments
- Toilets and facilities for those with additional needs
- Souvenirs and merchandise
When you write up your conclusion there is a wide range of words and phrases that can be used. These are given in the box below.
- certainly
- beyond a shadow of a doubt
- completely
- conclusively
- decisively
- in conclusion
- lastly, after all
- ultimately
- finally
- to conclude
- to sum up
My conclusions
Use the online writing-frame to keep track of your notes on your conclusions.
Downloadable Content
- Word (.docx): U1-3.2-R6-Conclusions.docx